Ever since Barun Sobti‘s comeback show Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3 has been announced, ardent fans of the first season have been questioning producer Gul Khan’s decision of pairing the actor opposite Shivani Tomar instead of Sanaya Irani. Barun and Sanaya’s jodi was a hit and the viewers had high expectations of seeing the couple together on television in the third installment but their excitement fizzed out as the news of Shivani replacing Sanaya emerged.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Season 3: Advay (Barun Sobti) - Chandni’s (Shivani Tomar) serial launch with Gul Khan
Barun Sobti as Advay Singh Raizada and Shivani Tomar as Chandni Narayan Vashisht will be seen in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naan Doon Season 3.
Barun Sobti Will be seen as a Maths Professor with a very stern and aggressive look on the show.
On the other side, Shivani Tomar's character Chandni will be seen as a very simple, polite, humble sweet in nature kind of girl.
Chandni will be seen extinguishing fire from Advay Singh Raizada’s life.
Further, in the serial launch Gul Khan also answerd the most asekd question, Why Sanaya Irani wasn't part of  Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naan Doon 3, she replied “She does not fit the character. It was fun working with her but we hope to have fun with Shivani now,”
Barun Sobti enlightened that his show is starting on 3rd July 2017, Monday to Friday 8 pm and requested to please watch it.
Stay tuned for more updates.

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