Hello you lovely people, so yes I am back with one more Article, and this time it is not about the LEADS of any show it is about the character which have won many TV viewers hearts by their acting, their beautiful and unique story. Yes I am talking about, KEERTI (Mohena Kumari Singh) and NAKSH(Rishi Dev) , whom fans fondly call "KEESH" .
I found these interesting five things in their story which made me fall for the pair and I would like to see watch  makers of the show explore more.

1. Their bitter past.

Both Keerti and Naksh have had enough of emotional break down when it comes to love as keerti was married to a guy, named Aditya whom her family had chosen for her.
It was not a fairytale wedding as Aditya was no less than a monster who wanted to rule keerti.
And keerti was bearing all the torture for the sake of her family. She has suffered domestic violence, mental torture, emotional breakdown and what not.
While naksh he also loved a girl named Tara, he was a fun loving guy who wanted to spend a beautiful life with the love of his life but on the day of wedding, the girl run away from the wedding leaving him all alone.
This connection of their painful past have bring them together as they both know how a heartbreak feels.
So both Naksh and Keerti do not want all this to repeat in their lifes.
And as a viewer also want see how come their past enable them to live a peaceful life.
2.Willingness to accept.

Yes both Naksh  and Keerti are willing to accept each other the way they are.
This is most important aspect in any relationship and luckily they have this factor in their relationship. Yes, both are willing to deal with each other's ups and downs, lows and highs.
This is what makes them different from rest of the couple.

3.Bringing the change for good.

Yes this one is the best thing they got.
Naksh knows that keerti's confidence has been taken down by her family for the sake of tradition and by Adtiya to show his superiority on a women on past years,  He wanted to bring her lost confidence make her independent. Naksh gifted her a boutique so that she can stand on her own and be independent.
Also keerti have brought changes in Naksh's life 
Naksh is an ideal son, brother grandson and a good husband too.
Keerti also have brought all those missing happiness in his life, which Naksh really deserve.
Both compliment each other and this is what makes them an ideal couple.
This is what made them a perfect couple 

Yes, they both are familiar with the fact that this second chance which life gave them holds what importance in both of their lives.
They are Not that childish kind of couple, though I still feel these things make any relationship close to perfect but still the way Naksh handles the Keerti, just make me go awww.
Also it's keerti's maturity that she understands Every word of him so well.
This is just perfect.

5. Every love story is incomplete without LOVE and so...

Yes LOVE, KEESH has given me a different meaning of love via their story.
Recently naksh confessed his love for his wife keerti in a very Romantic way.
Also few episodes later when keerti dances for the sake of naksh's mother's academy after the performance she hugged him and asked how was it.
These small moments made me believe in love again. All thanks to KEESH for this.

Yes for me, Keerti and Naksh are imperfectly perfect as they both love each other accepting their imperfections and now I want to see them both working together on their imperfections and set an example in this telly world.

Written by Crazysoul

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