The Episode starts with Anurag hugging Prerna and thinking I wanted you to be with me, but this will only hurt me, no Prerna, you have to go away from me. She says your beard has come out Prerna. She gets shocked. He says you did all this for these papers, Prerna. She pushes him on the floor. She says I knew that you are with Komolika, you want divorce, but I won’t let this happen. She locks him and runs. Komolika gets Chobey’s call. She asks where are you, I can’t tolerate these idiots. He says listen to me, this raid is fake, I had got a call from IT dept, they told me that they didn’t pass any such order, those people have barged into the house with some motive. She gets shocked.

Komolika thinks of Prerna and say they are in my room, the papers are in locker. Anurag knocks  door. Prerna says we got the papers. Nivedita says we have no shell company. Anupam says we are done and rushes out. Komolika stops Prerna and Shivani, and says take your haldi milk, we have to know what all you are taking with you. Anurag opens the door and comes out. He sees Prerna with Komolika. Komolika pulls Prerna’s fake beard. Mohini and Nivedita get shocked. Komolika asks Shivani to show her real face. Shivani removes her fake beard. Komolika says Prerna did this fake raid to steal these papers, now her game is over. 
She takes the papers. Prerna says you cheated me to sign papers. Komolika says you provoked me. Prerna says I didn’t do anything. Nivedita scolds Prerna and Shivani. Prerna says I m not this family’s bahu, but I m Anurag’s wife. Komolika says its enough, I will show you your real place. Anurag shouts stop it Komolika. He comes downstairs and stops Komolika. He says you heard what Nivedita said, don’t fall to her level, you maintain your dignity, things won’t go as she wanted, Prerna wants to trouble us, but we won’t get into her plans, she has lost, her plan has failed, because of my life Komolika. Prerna looks on. Anurag says come, lets go, enough of this drama. Prerna and Shivani leave.
Anupam says I waited for them and they didn’t come, I thought they came home. Veena says I m worried. He says I m scared that Komolika caught them, I hope this didn’t happen. Mahesh asks Veena not to worry. Komolika says I swear, I won’t leave Prerna. Anurag says relax, listen to me, don’t leave her, I don’t like the stress on your innocent face, Prerna is used to it, you are different, she doesn’t have a class. Komolika says she did bad with me, I will not spare her. He says relax. He massages her shoulders and asks her to calm down. He says leave all the stress and problems to me, you just relax, take care of your health and think about good things, plan a trip, keep smiling. She asks why do you always tell me to spare Prerna. He says when you stop thinking about Prerna, you will think about me. She says so sorry, Prerna has spoiled my mood. He says calm down, we will talk about us. He thinks I wish I could strangle you.
Prerna and Shivani come home. Prerna says we got caught. Anupam asks what. Mahesh says Komolika is very cunning, she wasn’t believing you, she is very smart. Shivani says Komolika took papers from us. Prerna says our hard work went in vain, Komolika called us out and I stopped, I failed. Veena asks Prerna not to lose, its her decision, if she wants to fail or make her destiny.

Nivedita shouts to Anupam. She says I haven’t seen him today. She calls Anupam. Shivani laughs. Anupam answers the call and says I came at my friend’s place. Nivedita says come back home, I want to tell you something. He agrees. Shivani says coward. He asks what’s so funny. Prerna says I hope Nivedita doesn’t doubt on you. Anupam says I have some work, I will reach home late. Prerna says I will be there before you. Mohini and Nivedita see Moloy’s pics. Mohini says I love his smile. Nivedita says he will be back soon. Prerna comes. Nivedita taunts. Mohini says I didn’t think she will return, but she has come back. Nivedita says she has gone crazy. Nivedita says she can’t listen what I m saying. Prerna says I thought you are talking to each other and taunting as usual, our relation is fine, you both are typical, why would I be ashamed to come to my own house. She goes. Anurag looks on and smiles.

A lady comes home and talks to Veena. She praises Shivani’s looks. She says you didn’t tell me about Prerna’s marriage but I will find alliance for Shivani. Veena says I have to support my children always. Shivani says mum is managing even dad’s duties, mum wants me to settle down too. Anupam comes to Nivedita and says I went to Shekhar’s house.
Nivedita says you know what happened today, there was a raid at home, Anurag wasn’t answering, Komolika took her dad’s help and learnt that raid was fake. He says maybe Navin did this. She says Prerna and Shivani did this, one Sardar sounded like you. She checks his face. He says you are hurting me. She teases him. He runs and tickles her. They laugh. She gets away and says good night, you may sleep on this bed tonight. He smiles. Prerna asks why are you smiling. He says I was imagining, if you were really a Sardar. She says if you come in my way, I will teach you a lesson. He thinks you can tackle everyone, even Komolika.

Prerna says I won’t leave you so easily, Komolika can never take my place. Anurag says jealous… She says this is revenge for me. He asks what will you do.

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