Actor Barun Sobti, who has a chocolate boy image, will be seen sporting a rugged and messy look in “Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3“. His wife Pashmeen loves the avatar.”Pashmeen loves the unshaved appearance. My previous roles always required a simple look and I couldn’t experiment much. With this show, I’ve finally been able to get this look, and it’s interesting. The response from the audience too has been fabulous,” Barun, who will play Advay Singh Raizada – an ambitious anti-hero, said in a statement.
The Star Plus show will see him romancing actress Shivani Tomar, who will be seen as Chandni. Sobti earlier said his wife is extremely excited about his comeback on television. He was last seen in the first season of “Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon” opposite Sanaya Irani five years ago. Barun said in a statement: “I’ve done films, web series and short films, but TV gives me immense joy. Coming back on television is like homecoming. I personally don’t feel any difference in the medium that an actor works on, but having said that, my wife is most excited about my comeback on television especially with ‘Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon’.”
To make Shivani feel comfortable, Barun has begun giving her tips. Barun said a statement: “I’ve told Shivani to have full faith in me. Even if she will fall, I will definitely hold her because I have done such scenes in the past. She can do her own thing and it will all fall into place. We have developed a comfort level with each other and that should help us work on our chemistry as Advay and Chandni as well.”

Shivani considers Barun to be one of her best co-stars. “He never made me feel like an outsider on the sets of the show. My experience of shooting with Barun has been really good so far and we have a great rapport. Hope that fans love our chemistry as well.”

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